Incipresa, leader in manufacturing and distributing rescue and firefighting vehicles…

INCIPRESA obtains the Company Responsibility Seal
We are pleased to inform you that Incipresa has obtained important recognition from the Xunta de Galicia. The Xunta has certified that our organization, INCIPRESA, S.A.U., has successfully completed all phases of the Responsabilízate program.
This certification demonstrates our commitment and compliance with the conditions established for obtaining the Company Responsibility Seal.
This achievement is the result of the hard and constant work of our team, who have demonstrated their commitment to corporate responsibility in all areas of our organization.
At Incipresa, we know that responsibility goes beyond complying with legal obligations, and we strive to integrate sustainable and ethical practices in all our operations.

This recognition motivates us to continue advancing in our commitment to corporate responsibility and to remain a benchmark in the industry. We thank the Xunta de Galicia for this recognition and we commit to continue working hard for the benefit of our environment.
We congratulate all the Incipresa team for this achievement, since this recognition is the fruit of their dedication and commitment.
Thank you all for your support and trust in Incipresa!
For more information about the products and services offered by INCIPRESA, contact our sales team.